Change Log

2.41 - Separated AutoDaily Reward from main script & CAPTCHA Alert now loops only 5 times & adjusted the UpdateAlerter frame (1Nov2010) 
2.40 - Disabled Auto PowerHunt & Made a simple UpdateAlerter (18Oct2010)
2.39 - It now AutoPower Hunts (15Oct2010)
2.38 - Added sound to play when CAPTCHA appears
2.37 - Made a temporary fix for white screen of death.
2.36 - Made it compatible with chrome

PowerHunt 1.00 - AutoPowerHunter (20Oct2010)

MidnightHour PowerHunt 1.10 - Reload the script to based timing on OS time (4Nov2010)
MidnightHour PowerHunt 1.00 - AutoPowerHunts only during midnight hour (3Nov2010)

AutoDailyReward 1.00 - Separated AutoDaily from the main AutoHunt script (1Nov2010)

GhostMonsterAlerter 1.20 - The alert will ONLY play if there's a "Get help" log in FIRST log entry (15Jan2011)
GhostMonsterAlerter 1.10 - Now it works for Ghost Dino Monsters (20Nov2010)
GhostMonsterAlerter 1.00 - Alerts when Ghost Monster is attracted (20Nov2010)

Script source can be downloaded here