I suggest that you disable the AutoDailyRewards script in your Google Chrome Extensions menu. Then after disabling, visit the Daily Rewards page during the designated time to view your remaining clicks. Remember to enable to script after you're done doing so.
2. Why can't I view my pet's name?
This is due to the AutoUpdateChecker. If there's no new script updates, your pet's name will be blank. If there is an update, it'll show UPDATE NOW as your pet's name and contain a link to this site.
4. Can you make a Ghost Puzzler script?
No can do, sorry.
5. How to I turn off the CAPTCHA alter?
You can't BUT you can turn off the volume of your internet browser if you are using windows 7 or just mute the volume of your whole system. It's just a 5 second beep, not really a big deal right.
6. It continues to AutoHunt when I've run out of bait.
You did not run out of bait but it's because you do not have enough bait for the burner. Try buying bait in multiples of your burner value so that it reaches ZERO when you run out. I'm planning to fixed a minimum value of bait required (eg. 10 bottles) to overcome this problem. What do you think?
7. HELP! My Ghost Trapper tab/window autocloses!
There are a number of solutions to this problem. Try out the all the solution one by one.
Solution 1: Clear all browsing data: Use Ctrl+Shift+Del set time to 'Everything' and check all data and restart Chrome
Solution 2: Before the Ghost Trapper page closes, hit shift and press the refresh button
Solution 3: Reinstall Chrome
Solution 4: Restart your PC
Solution 5: Email me at testbug997@gmail.com or write in the shoutbox
Keep posting questions! =)