How it works?

Automatically hunts for you when your cooldown ends

AutoAssist&Close GM
When visiting any Ghost Moster of a friend, it'll automatically assists for you and will close the page after assisting
FireFox Users: Go to 'about:config' search for 'dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows' and set it to 'true' by double clicking on it. This allows the tab/window to be close by the script

When the CAPTCHA page appears, an annoying alert, 'UH-OH' will play

CAPTCHA AutoSubmitter
If you're not around, it's best to mute your computer to mute the CAPTCHA Alert and the AutoSubmitter will submit the code for you after a certain period of time (30~ minutes).
Note: May not be 100% reliable

AutoDailyClicks (separate script, install it HERE)
Automatically clicks on your desirable Daily Reward

If there is a new version released, an UPDATE NOW link will appear under your active pet's image

AutoPowerHunt (separate script, install it HERE)
Automatically PowerHunts when there's a charge in your Chrono Crystal

AutoGhostMonsterAlerter (separate script, install it HERE)
Alerts when you've encountered a Ghost Monster and require assistance to trap it